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Refuse Upgrades, Reduce IT Staff by 40%, And see what happens!
Jefferson County Alabama is finding out what happens when you fire 40% of your IT Staff and cancel routine hardware maintenance and upgrades.
A total meltdown of their key accounting system, likely to cost many times over what simple preventative maintenance and having a properly trained staff would have cost.
Details are at the All Alabama website.
I can imagine the sales call OPENRSM would have made on such an operation. In reality, I don’t know if I would have shown them how bad things were, and how much OPENRSM could save them in both daily operations and future costs, or told them that their commitment to taking care of “their own house” was so lacking that I wouldn’t want to do business with them without their making a serious commitment to bringing their systems back into the realm of reliability.
Many organizations and companies are scrimping on their IT budgets these days. And who can blame them? Times are tough for everyone. But, when you don’t commit to keeping your IT Infrastructure reliable, flexible, and scalable… Your simply planning to fail. And that doesn’t mean throwing wads of money at your problems either. What it does mean is that an organized professional look at your systems, methods, practices, and how your IT could work for you needs to be done.
At OPENRSM we specialize in becoming the IT Department for small and mid-sized businesses. Helping our customers squeeze every penny while keeping their critical systems up to the challenges of todays business needs.
Call us.. 816-200-2220, email us [email protected], let OPENRSM show you how you can save money and not end up like Jefferson County Alabama.
Excessive Maintenance Means Excessive Downtime
Have you endured the “FUD” salespitch? Signed a maintenance agreement for your computer systems only to later discover then not much has changed except that your costs have increased? Well, it turns out your not alone. In an article published in Data Center Knowledge a study has shown that the more maintenance you do, the more downtime your likely to have.
From the article… “There’s this mantra that more maintenance equals more reliability,†said Steve Fairfax, the President of MTechnology. “We get the perception that lots of testing improves component reliability. It does not. The most common threat to reliability is excessive maintenance.â€
Many Kansas City IT departments are often locked into rigid over maintenance. The same goes for many Kansas City Computer service companies. Selling ‘real time monitoring’, solidifying their pitch with a free network assessment, etc. all designed around ‘FUD’… Fear Uncertainty, and Doubt. But now, (way too long in our opinion) there are some facts that blows the over hyped maintenance plan sales pitch out of the water.
Which helps us all bring a little more reality and a lot more awareness of the bottom line into the picture. Proper maintenance doesn’t have to cost a fortune. More maintenance than what is necessary can actually hurt your IT infrastructure.
You happen to have a high cost maintenance plan your afraid to cancel? An IT company pitching a plan to you? Do yourself a favor… Call OPENRSM today and ask for a second opinion. We won’t sell you a thing, just provide a qualified assessment of what your business really needs to do for the best ROI for your data infrastructure dollar.