Tag | motorola products

Google Buys Motorola And What It Means For Small Businesses

August 15, 2011Leave a reply

UPDATE! – It seems my musings about a “SuperApple” type strategy have not gone unnoticed.  For example, the musings of the Wall Street Journal….. Which begins “Google Inc.’s proposed $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobility Inc. underscores the allure of a business model pioneered by one of the company’s rivals: Apple Inc.

Big News this morning..  Google just announced they’re buying Motorola Mobility.  Which (we believe) will generally benefit our small and medium sized business customers.  Here’s why:

  • Google Doesn’t Discriminate Against Small Businesses.  All their platforms are universally available (i.e. AdWords, Video Advertising, Voice, Search).
  • Google Integrates their Acquisitions.  Blogger, Gmail, Docs, Voice, Google+ are tightly integrated.  Expect the same from their Motorola Products.
  • Google Gives Away Android.  The Number One Mobile Platform.  Expect Motorola’s innovative adoption of Android to continue.

In the short term, don’t expect to see much.  Just the Xoom Tablet, excellent phones, etc. to keep coming out the doors of Motorola.  But downstream (and I would expect sooner rather than later, Q1 or Q2 2012) I would expect a significant rollout of more advanced tablets and what we call “crossover” systems…  Essentially tablets with all the power and storage of netbooks and notebook computers.  All with tight included integration of Google platforms on Android.

Of course, there is another possibility…  Could Google be looking to build themselves they’re very own “SuperApple” type of company?  Where they control Android, and the hardware?  All coupled to Google’s virtual services?  Might be a little far fetched, but stranger things have happened.