Continuous Backup and Restore Services

Here at OPENRSM we love Cloud Computing…  But ONLY if it meets the objectives of our customers.  Which is why when we use Cloud based systems, they need to do a whole lot more than one thing only.  Which is why OPENRSM has it’s own CloudBackup solution that provides not only online backup.  But full continuous backup, remote file access, and even an online “Briefcase” that is accessable from your PC, MAC, even your iPhone.

Here’s what it does:

  • Automatically backup your whole computer online with continuous synchronization.
  • Fast, secure, easy to use & instant setup.
  • See your backed up files on the web, iPhone & iPad.

And when you combine it with our Briefcase features, you can also:

  • Sync files online and across all your computers.
  • Work on the same files on your PC and Mac.
  • Share files easily and access everything from the web.
  • 2TB of space as standard.
  • Faster, more secure and more feature rich than anything else you can find.