Virus & Malware Cleanup and Prevention

If your computer is infected then our Virus & Malware Cleanup and Prevention Service is just for you. Our service includes:

  • A chat with a OPENRSMâ„¢ Team member to discuss the problems you are experiencing and what will happen during the service.
  • Remove anything harmful we find on your computer.
  • If you don’t have Internet Security software we will install a limited but FREE version of our World Class Solution.
  • Fully explain what we did during the service.

And the World Class Virus & Malware Software OPENRSM uses is not only efficient and easy to use, but cost effective as well.  The OPENRSM Anti Virus and Anti Malware solution is:

  • Comprehensive PC protection against viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, worms, bots, keyloggers and rootkits.
  • 2 combined scanners for cleaning, Anti-Virus + Anti-Malware.
  • 3 guards against new infections, file guard, behavior blocker and surf protection.

If your not afraid to ruin your own business systems, you can look up virus information at: